
Romeyn Prescott prescor at
Sun Nov 21 12:09:28 UTC 2004

At 11:26 AM +0100 11/21/04, Arjen Wiersma scribbled:
>>, it strikes me that this may be becuase I haven't got a working
>>  sound driver just yet.  Maybe I better sort that out and recompile...
>>  d'oh!
>after a lot of tinkering I was just able to install gaim-vv using .deb
>packages... is there any reason why you explicitly want to compile it?

Last night I followed all of the instructions at the gaim-vv site and 
was able to compile and install gaim-vv and all of its dependencies 
from scratch on my Mac.  Then I fired it up and the plugins don't 
even show up in the prefs!

So I gave up.  (Tried it twice just in case I made a mistake.)


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