Kernel series 2.4 on Warty?

Oliver Grawert hostmaster at
Sat Nov 20 12:02:12 UTC 2004

Am Samstag, den 20.11.2004, 12:40 +0100 schrieb Ivo Marino:
> Hello folks,
> In order to be able to compile and run some old (An only available)
> drivers for a PCTel based WinModem I need to run a 2.4.x kernel on Warty
> -- No, the drivers I'm looking for are not yet available for 2.6.
> As far as Warty, by default, ships with 2.6 I would like to ask if
> someone in here already had a kernel downgrading experiences on Warty.
> If so could you please provide me some details on how to downgrade the
> kernel successfully and also which kernel related packages have to be
> installed for 2.4
i have heard the smartlink driver should work with the pctel modems
there is a howto on the wiki describing how to get them compiled:

i would try this step first before taking the hassle to downgrade the
kernel with the posibility of loosing a lot of 2.6 functionallity....


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