hoary incredibly unstable

Eric Feliksik milouny at gmx.net
Fri Nov 19 18:53:50 UTC 2004

Ross D wrote:
> I asked awhile back about how stable hoary was, and overall people
> said it didn't seem too bad, so I took the plunge.  At first it didn't
> seem too bad for me either, but boy was I mistaken!  I just wanted to
> ammend my previous post about the upgrade going well, and tell people
> people out there that hoary is NOT ready for the normal user, the past
> couple days there have been so many bugs, crashes, freezes, error
> messages, etc. it is not usable at all for everyday tasks.  I just
> wanted to warn people who were considering the switch like I did, it's
> very frustrating to use hoary for the most basic operations, and I end
> up having to reboot every 5-10 minutes.  Stick with Warty, I wish I
> did.
> Ross

Well, it works fine for me.

If your problems are due to mistakes in packaging, and they're so 
obvious (what you say is true), I suppose it will soon be fixed.
Then maybe it's easiest for you to 'apt-get upgrade' in a few days to 
see if that makes you system more stable, and once it's stable, don't 
upgrade anymore...

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