X-IMail-SPAM-Connection Re: X-IMail-SPAM-Connection Re: merchandise

John dingo at coco2.arach.net.au
Fri Nov 19 13:48:49 UTC 2004

Seth Williamson wrote:

> I have seen the word defined on this list as "humanity to others."  If 
> that is correct, then it's no more African than it is Chinese or 
> Brazilian.  It's a universal human concept that belongs to all cultures.

The concept I won't argue with, but once you appropriate a word from a 
culture that is less dominant in the world, then you must honor that 

It's not so very long ago that Americans thought it the Christian thing 
to do to make slaves of people from Shango's part of the world.

yeah, not just the Americans.

I can't properly imagine how Shango might feel about that, but you 
should try. Walk a mile in his shoes.

Will people please leave off telling Shango he's wrong. Whether he is or 
not is not the point; the point is that he finds any kind of association 
  of his culture with "right-wing political" groups offensive.

Even if he's don't agree with him, preferring to purchase goods from 
South African groups is a good thing: as I understand it SA is a mess 
and trading with South African business will help them.

Much more than handouts.

If we can do good, lets!

Just in case someone thinks I'm a raving loony lefty
I vote
and I vote conservative almost every time.

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