Remote access through Vnc viewer - high CPU / freeze

Enn Pee enn_p at
Thu Nov 18 10:34:18 UTC 2004

Hi everyone,

I sent this question two days back. Want to know if
the vnc server implementation on ubuntu warty relese
has bug as the CPU usage hits nearly 99% .Especially
XFree86 process shows 99% usage when connected from
vnc viewer.



 --- Enn Pee <enn_p at> wrote:   
> Hi,
> I set up ubuntu warty release for remote desktop
access with
> a
> password and later tried to access from my tightVNC
> viewer running on my Windows XP PC. I was able to
> login but the CPU usage on the ubuntu linux box kept
> on increasing and reached almost 100%. My VNCviewer
got > freezed and when I killed tis window, then only
the CPU level came back to normal on ubuntu box.

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