/etc/profile and ~/.bash_profile are not being read

Matthias Klose m at klose.in-berlin.de
Wed Nov 17 07:47:41 UTC 2004

Am Mittwoch, den 17.11.2004, 10:16 +0900 schrieb janne:
> A constant source of frustration is that neither /etc/profile, nor
> ~/.bash_profile are being read, and thus I can't use these for adding
> stuff to my PATH, or other things.
> Anybody has a solution to this? Is this a real bug, or is there some
> other, prefferred way to do stuff like that?
> And in any case, should'nt these files be honoured in any case, seeing
> as how they are standard on other systems?

They are honored. Assuming you are using the Gnome Terminal, enable the
option "Run Shell As Command Shell" (or similiar).


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