.evolution directory disappeared when moving it - need help!

Ari Torhamo ari.torhamo at luukku.com
Tue Nov 16 06:37:24 UTC 2004


After just finnishing a three hour session of anwsering e-mails and
writing ones I started a moment ago backing up the .evolution directory
to a cd-rw using Nautilus CD-writer. I opend the writer window and was
going to drag the .evolution directory to it, but accidentally dropped
it into the window showing the present content of the CD-RW (I'm pretty
sure I dropped it there, but I had a couple of other directories open
too and thus I'm not positive). 

When I realised my mistake, I was going to correct it and move the
directory to the right directory window. But then I noticed that
the .evolution directory no longer existed in any of the directories I
had open (I also checked the sub directories), nor on the desktop. It
was removed from my personal directory (or how do you call it) where it
had been, but it never ended up to anywhere else.

Now I'm feeling like "this can't be happening". I'm new to Linux, but
managing files and directories is nothing new to me. I didn't delete
the .evolution directory and I didn't move it to trash. Can anyone
please tell me what's happened here and most importanly - can I get my
e-mails back. Can this directory have been stored somewhere - maybe
cached or something. I'm not going to lose all my e-mails, because I
have backed them up frequently, but it would give me a lot of work for
coming days.

I tried to search .evolution with the graphical "search files" -tool,
but maybe it didn't search through all directories because I wasn't
logged in as root (I didn't want to try to log in as root, because I
thought that that logging out might finally destroy the directory I'm
trying to find). I know there's the "find" tool for CLI, but when I did
"info find" I was overwhelmed by those instructions (guess I gave up too
easy, but I should have gone to sleep for a long time ago :( 

Is there any hope to find my .evolution folder. I wish I soon recieved
an anwser starting with something like "Don't worry Ari, your e-mails
are safe - just open the terminal and do...". Anyone? Deepest thank's to
anyone who owns even a moment of brain work for this.


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