Bryan Pizzuti bpizzuti at optonline.net
Mon Nov 15 15:41:13 UTC 2004

They're games...LBreakout and SuperTux. Oh, incidentally, and DVD
playing, which is a bit wierd.  No way I can see to point the first
two...they're probably going for whatever OSS device is available, and
I'm worried my experimental kernel try earlier this week slapped another
one in. Maybe for my softmodem or something, though I don't see anything
when running lsmod.  Kinda strange..I'm still trying to figure out how
to get these things to play sounds again (those two games used to). 

On Mon, 2004-11-15 at 16:13 +0100, Oliver Grawert wrote:
> hi,
> Am Montag, den 15.11.2004, 09:51 -0500 schrieb Bryan Pizzuti:
> > Ok, so wait a sec...why is it compiled into the Ubuntu kernel? ;)  Or
> > maybe something with the detection just got screwey...my GNOME volume
> > control shows an OSS audio device (Analog Devices AD1981B) and several
> > apps aren't playing sound...maybe they're trying to access this OSS
> > device, which I doubt exists.  
> as chris wrote above, there is a compatibility layer inbetween, if you
> do a 'lsmod|grep snd' your will notice a snd-pcm-oss and a snd-mixer-oss
> module which provide the oss emu of alsa for backwards compatibility
> (and cause a second mixer device as you noticed)....
> if you want to get the silent apps working, try to point them to esd
> where possible.....(the soundserver is there for caring for multiple
> inputs that have to go to only one output without blocking the device)
> ciao
> 	oli

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