Sound gone since hoary upgradte (xine)

rockyrobin ulist at
Mon Nov 15 02:49:55 UTC 2004

Hi Marc,

I too am having the same problem after having upgraded to hoary.

I feel it must be some conflict with the sound setup as after lots of
playing I actually managed to get Totem-Xine to play with sound an SMB
streamed divx film off my windows box.

After a minute of two I went to play with other windows on my desktop
and as I did so the sound stopped.

Also I have to periodically issue a "killall esd" at the console to get
sound in my media players with files being played off the Ubuntu HD.

I do wonder if this is a conflict between system sounds and
applications sounds?

Anyway a forum bump for you in the hope someone else may have found out
what the problem is.



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