Netgear wireless how-to ... Anyone successfully make this work?

Oliver Grawert hostmaster at
Sun Nov 14 12:48:36 UTC 2004

Am Samstag, den 13.11.2004, 19:49 -0600 schrieb Roger Scow:
> Okay, moving in the right direction.  Next question, will ndiswrapper  
> work on a ppc system?  I can find ndiswrapperutils, but can't locate a  
> version of  "linux-image-"
> that is compliled for the ppc chip.  Or can I use the i386 one?  I  
> suppose that's too good to be true.

look below what i wrote about this link.....especially the part in
brackets ! there is a sample for the configuration file for your network
card (as you wanted to know how to edit the network cupfiguration and
whih files to touch). otherwise this page is completely for intel/non
powerpc systems.

> > look at point 6 (and only at point 6) at this site:


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