mondo rescue backup solution pulled ;( alternatices please

Markus Hubig ubuntu at
Sat Nov 13 19:10:59 UTC 2004

On Fri, 12 Nov 2004, Ben Edwards wrote:

> On Fri, 12 Nov 2004 18:06:41 +0100, Markus Hubig <ubuntu at> wrote:
> > apt-cache show dar
>  Be great if you could tell us breafly about the reletive merits of
>  these systems.
dar features everything one need to do an backup. It's a nice
commandline programm and could easily be used in scripts. It's
some kind of "tar bitten by a radioaktive spider"

It's main features are:

* Filters (to exclude things like *.~ or [abc]-team)
* Differential Backups (quite nice to backup my Maildirs)
* Slices (to put my home partition on some 700MB CDs)
* Compression
* Direct Access (don't need to access the whole archive / 
  all slices to extract a file)
* Extended Attributes Backup

More infos can be found here:


    - Markus

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Nur wenige stehen unter Strafe.
   -- Ulrike Marie Meinhof (1934-1976)

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