New York City: Ubuntu Related Talk Next Wednesday

Benj. Mako Hill mako at
Fri Nov 12 02:09:05 UTC 2004

Greetings everyone,

I'm not sure how many Ubuntites are in New York City but I figured I'd
throw this out here.

I'm going to be giving a talk on Customizing Debian that will focus on
the work being done in Ubuntu next Wednesday in New York City for the
New York Linux User Group.

The talk description (I didn't choose the title :) ) and everything
else you need to know is on the NYLUG homepage here:

It's in the IBM building so you need to register first unless you just
want to meet for drinks afterward, you need to RSVP here:

I'll also bring a big pile of the hot-off-the-press Ubuntu pressed CDs
to give away as well. :)

I'd love to meet some fellow NYC Ubuntu users! I hope to see a few of
you there.


Benjamin Mako Hill
mako at

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