Warty PPC - Dual Boot - yaboot problems

iant ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Thu Nov 11 20:25:19 UTC 2004

this happened to me too - when i first installed ubuntu yaboot only had
the option for the cd rom and linux, no osx partition.  i'm a new to
linux but here's the method i used to get the osx partition to show up
and work with yaboot when i started my ibook:
1.  boot into Linux & open a terminal
2.  type 'sudo yabootconfig'  - this seemed to overwrite the
yaboot.conf file that the install disk installed (i think, correct me
here if wrong)
3.  type 'sudo pico /etc/yaboot.conf'
4.  add the line:
(or /dev/... wherever your bootable osx partition is)
5.  save the changes (ctrl+x + Y)
6.  type 'sudo ybin'
7.  reboot


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