A request/idea

Kevin C. Smith kevin at linuxsmith.com
Thu Nov 11 15:58:07 UTC 2004

Even though Linux "desktops" tends to be relatively safe from virus'
compared to MS Windows, I feel Linux users need to use virus software
for their protection and primarily so they don't just pass stuff on.

That said my request / idea is this:

1. Include ClamAV in the next release as Main/supported.
2. Provide updates to the current ClamAV software not just definitions
through ubuntu security. (I get the equivalent of this on my debian
server by using backports).
3. Integrate ClamAV with Evolution to scan sent and received mail.
4. Integrate ClamAV with Nautilus to scan on files access.
5. Create a user friendly gtk interface for ClamAV.

I would do some of this but I'm not a programmer. I am considering
learning python and then creating the GTK interface myself.

Would python/GTK be a good way to go here? I'm sure I wouldn't get
around to learning C just yet.

I'm also don't know if Evolution or Nautilus developers have
already considered these ideas. I wouldn't be surprised.

Kevin C. Smith

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