
Thomas Beckett thomas.beckett at gmail.com
Wed Nov 10 22:51:34 UTC 2004

> > To take this evey farther, how many hogs can there really be? Warty
> > Warthog, Hoary Hedgehog, I heard the next one was going to be Grumpy
> > Groundhog... there aren't THAT many hogs. What's the next animal going
> > to be? *L*
> We probably need a new naming scheme or run the risk of being viewed as
> boaring.
> /ducks
> --

I think Perky Penguin is next up after Grumpy Groundhog.
As there isnt another animal off the top of my head ending with "uin"
(and someone will probably point out 10 really obvbious ones now :D )
I think another animal is needed quick! suggestions...
Besides, the penguin is a bit obvious for a linux distro ;)


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