
John dingo at coco2.arach.net.au
Wed Nov 10 18:56:57 UTC 2004

Alf Eaton wrote:
> On Nov 10, 2004, at 01:45, Carlos Perelló Marín wrote:

>> Your only chance at this moment is change the ownership of the whole
>> iPod to your Linux user but that change will prevent that you use your
>> iPod with MacOSX.
> I seem to be able to access it, for now, if I use 'sudo chmod 777' on 
> /mnt/ipod, while it's mounted. The trouble is that half the time (at 
> least) it doesn't even mount at all - there's just a '/dev/sdb3 is not a 
> block device' error. I'm worried that connecting and disconnecting the 
> iPod repeatedly is going to damage it, as even when it's mounted and 
> unmounted properly, the 'do not disconnect' message never disappears 
> from the screen.
> alf.

I know this sounds daft, but (with USB drives & cameras) with some 
chipsets it seems necessary to eject and some not, and maybe (from an 
experiences yesterday) sometimes with some.

Si wyen you umount, also
eject /dev/sdb

and report back what happens.

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