expocity anyone?

Maximilian Gerlach m at px0.de
Tue Nov 9 07:57:04 UTC 2004

> Has anyone tried out expocity? 
Jup, works.

> I'd like to try it out, because I very much miss Expose when I use my
> linux box, which is almost always now. But I haven't seen any good
> docs on how to set it up. The README is pretty sparse. From what I
> understand it is the windowmanager metacity plus the functionality of
> expose too.

>  But I'm not sure how to get another windowmanager in the list of
> available options on the gdm boot screen. 
Because it's just a patch to metacity, that shouldn't be necessary.
Compile it and install it. Or, as i do it, compile it and then
run ./src/metacity --replace, as it seems to be slower than the
'original' metacity ;)


PS: The extra functionality is on alt+tab

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