Thunderbird 0.9 for Ubuntu?

Travis Newman travis at
Mon Nov 8 02:10:35 UTC 2004

Christoph Georgi wrote:

> After installing the firefox, my bookmarks and everything were already 
> imported. I assume, the firefoxPR is using the same folder in /home as 
> the firefox version which shipps with ubuntu.
> Now, can I remove the Thunderbird/Firefox packages which ship with 
> Ubuntu? I reckon Firefox should not be completely removed (purge) as I 
> need the .mozilla-firefox folder. But other then that...? Or do the 
> new versions need some stuff that comes with the older packages?
> Christoph
I've just kept them just in case something decides to launch them. They 
don't take up that much space. I dunno if they're safe to remove or not, 
but I'd definitely assume so. At your own risk :)

> @zerohalo: if you want to keep all your settings and emails, don't 
> bother with the symlinks.. just rename the .mozilla-thunderbird folder 
> to .thunderbird in your home directory, as 0.9 looks in .thunderbird. 
> That's it.
Yeah I didn't make symlinks for thunderbird, just for firefox plugins.

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