Obtaining ubuntu CDs

Rob Weir rweir at ertius.org
Fri Nov 5 06:07:40 UTC 2004

On Thu, Nov 04, 2004 at 10:48:38PM -0500, Travis Newman said
> alex wrote:
> >I don't have high speed internet so I placed an order for a few free 
> >x86 ubuntu CDs over a month ago but haven't received any yet.  Is this 
> >a typical waiting period?  I imagine the waiting list must be quite long.
> >
> >There don't seem to be any vendors who sell ubuntu CDs.
> >
> >alex
> >
> Far as I can tell, shipping was going to start around the beginning of 
> September. So soon! :)

Heh, warty didn't release until October 20, so they didn't even start
producing them until then :-)

> BTW, I emailed a higher up about this issue, but haven't recieved a 
> reply. I have an order for a massive amount of Ubuntu cds, because I got 
> a lot of my friends to tell their friends, etc, so we could save money 
> on shipping. Just wanted to let someone in charge of shipping that I 
> have a legitimate reason.

Mako's the guy to talk to if you have any questions.


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