Can't install Ubuntu from CD-ROM

Michael McCabe mccabemt at
Thu Nov 4 14:36:29 UTC 2004

If it's a usb drive try setting your laptop to boot from a usb device.

On Wed, 2004-11-03 at 16:10 -0800, Scott D. Spiegler wrote:
> Hi,
> Grabbed the  i386, iso file, burned it onto a CD-ROM
> and am now trying to get it to run on my laptop, which
> has an external CD-ROM drive. When I double click on
> the iso file, Windows doesn't seem to know how to open
> it. The docs say:
> "To boot the CD, you may need to enter your BIOS
> configuration menu and configure the list of boot
> devices to include the CD-ROM drive."
> When I F8 while windows is booting, I don't see a
> choice that allows me to boot off the CD-ROM. Is there
> another way to get into the BIOS to tell Windows to
> boot off the CD-ROM? Windows can see the external
> CD-ROM, but it doesn't seem to know how to boot off
> it.
> Thanks, Scott
> =====
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