.bat file type thing

Martijn van de Streek martijn at foodfight.org
Fri Dec 31 17:14:36 UTC 2004

On Fri, 31 Dec 2004, Simon Taplin wrote:

> What is the equivilent to the old .bat files in DOS/Windows. I want to 
> learn some type of scripting language for linux. I am considering perl 
> and python (anybody know any good free books on either of these?). Are 
> these a good choice or is there something else?

The (much more powerful) equivalent of a .bat file is a "shell script".
A "Beginner's handbook" is available here:

Perl and Python are complete programming languages, that can do
everything you want (and more..).

A short tutorial/introduction on Perl is available here:
http://archive.ncsa.uiuc.edu/General/Training/PerlIntro/ and in the man
pages (start with "man perl", read the pages it references)

For python, start here: http://www.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide
or, if you already know a programming language, look here:

Good luck,
Q: What do you put on the toes of dead Web designers?
A: <BODY> tags.

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