gnome-terminal: Does not erase unicode characters properly

Matthew Garrett mjg59 at
Fri Dec 31 12:48:42 UTC 2004

On Mon, 2004-12-27 at 10:45 -0800, Ryan Lovett wrote:

> I put the â‰(or ?! character, in case that doesn't display) in my copy
> buffer and pasted it into a gnome-terminal with its character encoding set
> to UTF-8. When I delete the character, with Backspace or Control-U, it
> removed bits of my prompt as if it were counting each element of the
> character rather than the character itself. I recorded a small movie of
> this behavior which shows me backspacing, then typing Control-U, then
> copying and pasting normal text.

This is probably a shell problem rather than a terminal program. zsh
doesn't support utf-8 properly, but bash should be fine.

Matthew Garrett | mjg59 at

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