(Warty) no sound devices created on Dell D-800 laptop.

Bruce S. Skinner Bruce.Skinner at drdc-rddc.gc.ca
Thu Dec 30 11:18:19 UTC 2004

Hello Oliver,

Many thanks.  When I tried the pci=noacpi, I got a hang during boot so
I've just disabled the parallel port for now and got sound working.
I'll revisit this later, but I won't booting for a day, as now I'm
busy apt-getting over my 3 KB/s dialup. ;-) ubuntu is great, my
experience with this laptop is going to cause me to throw away 3
Redhat Enterprise Workstation 3 Subscriptions I have as they are too
far behind the new hardware.

regards :-)

Oliver Grawert <hostmaster at grawert.net> writes:

> hi,
> Am Mittwoch, den 29.12.2004, 06:17 +0000 schrieb Bruce S. Skinner:
> > I haven't been able to get sound working on my Dell D-800 laptop with
> > any version of Warty (including the original Warty 4.10/386 CDROM
> > system).  The audio controller is on an Intel 82801DB.
> the dell 800 has a irq problem (cused by a buggy bios dell distributes
> in their laptops) you can either disable the parallelport in the bios or
> add the pci=noacpi option to grub.
> for further information look at this site:
> https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops
> ciao
> 	oli
> -- 
> got ubuntu ? --------------> GET UBUNTU !!!
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Bruce S. Skinner
Defence R&D Canada - Atlantic
9 Grove St.              <mailto:Bruce.Skinner at drdc-rddc.gc.ca>
P.O. Box 1012            <http://www.drdc-rddc.dnd.ca>
Dartmouth  NS
CANADA                    tel: (902) 426-3100 x205
B2Y 3Z7                   fax: (902) 426-9654

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