
Michael C. Thorogood mcthorogood at
Thu Dec 30 02:13:03 UTC 2004

Oliver Grawert wrote:

>Am Mittwoch, den 29.12.2004, 19:21 -0600 schrieb Michael C. Thorogood:
>>>Is there a howto for compling the kernel?
>>>Anything special I need to watch for??
>yep, additional to this howto, keep in mind that the ubuntu kernel
>source is called linux-source-x.x.x and that you need the initrd option
>in the make-kpkg command, as ubuntu needs it.
>	oli
So that must be the reason that I couldn't install a new kernel I built 
yesterday.  How is it that Ubuntu needs the --initrd option for the 
make-kpkg command but Debian doesn't?

danke schoen

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