File links and Nautilus CD-Writer

Ari Torhamo ari.torhamo at
Wed Dec 29 04:40:40 UTC 2004

ke, 2004-12-29 kello 03:48 +0100, Vincent Trouilliez kirjoitti:
> Le mercredi 29 décembre 2004 à 04:32 +0200, Ari Torhamo a écrit :
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I accidentally noticed that when you add a file link to Nautilus
> > CD-Writer window, it's not the link that gets burned into the disk, but
> > the original file. Is this how it always works? I experimented a little
> > with this and it seems to be so, but bacause I might use this to back up
> > my files, I would like to know for sure (maybe it depends on something).
> > To my remembering in Windoze (Nero) it's only the link that gets
> > written.
> > 
> > Yes, I know, there propably are much better tools for backing up your
> > data than Nautilus CD-burner, but right now I need something without a
> > learning curve :-)
> > 
> > I wonder if anybody is going to awnser me at this time of the night.
> > Maybe someone on the other side of the earth - it's four o'clock in the
> > afternoon there. Wonder what country is in opposite to Finland on the
> > earth? I wish I had a globe. 
> It's 4 in the morning here in France, Finland is not that far, can't
> believe it's 4 in the afternoon there, must be a typo ! ;o)

I meant that it was four o'clock in the afternoon on the other side of
the earth - if you would read it again ;-)  -or is it my english :-(

> The beauty of Nautilus burner is its simplicity, so if it doesn't do
> what you like, I don't think there is any way to configure it (unless
> you patch it yourself and recompile ;o)
> so you will have to use some other program.

Actually I'd like having files being burnt instead of links, but I
forgot to mention it in my post.

> Yesterday I tried K3B for the first time. I am sure I saw an option that
> let's you select wether you want to burn links, or the file the point
> to, or none of the two.

I'd like to try K3B, because people are talking about it so much. On the
other hand I like the clean and consistent look of Gnome. I'm also a
little reluctant to install software from outside the main repository
(or how was it called again) not to cause problems I can't handle

> You could also try Eroaster, it's a Gnome app, so more user friendly
> than K3B, yet still with  quite a few potions, maybe there is something
> about links in there as well, worth a look.

Thanks for the suggestions. I might try Eroaster (hope it's stable),
unless I wait and see what will be new for burning in Hoary. 

> regards,
> Vince, 4AM in France, freezing cold, but still very hot compared to
> Finland ;o)

If it was only freezing cold, but it's dark too - today sun rises here
in the southern finland at 9.25 AM and goes down at 15.20 PM. In the
north sun doesn't rise at all in the middle of the winter :-/



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