Compiling kernel: Kernel panic...

Oliver Grawert hostmaster at
Sat Dec 25 13:56:22 UTC 2004

Am Samstag, den 25.12.2004, 08:08 -0500 schrieb log:
> i am confused...because my other box is running gentoo and I have
> compiled the kernel in the same way on that at least 10 times and it
> has worked...  :evil:
but this is a debian based system where you will also need the patches
that have gone in the kernel if you want to paticipate on the sys/kernel
integration effort made by the devs... this kernel source (already
patched and configured) is provided by the packages named
"linux-source-xxxx" (contrary to the unconfigured vanilla source
packages called "kernel-source-xxxx")
install one of these packages, configure it and compile it with the
make-kpkg command (example below, adjust revision and append string to
your needs)

sudo make-kpkg --revision --append_to_version -3-yourprocessor
--initrd binary

this command will build a kernel and a module .deb package that are
installable with dpkg and automatically care for all the setup stuff
(bootloader, initrd etc.) so you dont run into grub configuration

i hope that sheds some light on the prob :)


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