FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper

James Leifer James.Leifer at inria.fr
Sat Dec 25 13:14:58 UTC 2004

Krash1201 <ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org> writes:

> when you do the install for the windows driver, make sure that you
> put all the necessary files in the same location, otherwise the
> driver won't isntall properly.  i am installing the same .inf from
> what seems like the same chipset.  this will fix the fatal error you
> have, or so i think.

Hi Andrew,

Thanks for your message.  I'm a bit confused by your advice though.
Which files are you talking about?  When I do

   ndiswrapper -i foobar.inf

it's ndiswrapper that chooses where to put the files, yes?  Can you
tell me what changes in your fs when you run the ndiswrapper command?

Are you using hoary or warty?

I think it's quite strange that a module built for a particular kernel
would fail to be loaded when running the same kernel...  Does this not
point to a more fundamental problem in the kernels built for hoary?


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