Which Nvidia driver to install?

Felix Sheldon dark_paw at optusnet.com.au
Fri Dec 24 00:30:28 UTC 2004

Ari Torhamo wrote:

>A problem: I would like to install Nvidia graphics card drivers to my PC
>and to two others, but I don't know which driver to use. There are two
>different instructions in Wiki to do the installation and both suggest
>to install a different driver.
>The first one suggests to install the package nvidia-glx from one of the
>preconfigured repositories. The second one suggests to download the file
>NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-6106-pkg1.run from Nvidia's web page and install
>it. Neither of the pages in any way seem to refer to the other and I
>have no way to know which one to follow. Perhaps these pages should be
>merged and/or more info be put in to allow users to do better choices?
>Does either of these installation procedures some way give a better
>result? Do I get a more fresh driver from Nvidia's download page? It
>came to my mind too that maybe both of these methods do the same thing
>and I would get an identical driver installation regardless which one of
>the methods I choose.
>Anyone awake? ...oh yes, it's not two o'clock in the night for everyone
>on the list :-)

Nope, 11am here =)

Yes, you are right, they both do the same thing, install the same files. 
But the first one, with l/inux-restricted *modules and nvidia-glx 
packages is better. Using the installer provided by nvidia might mean 
files will get overwritten by other packages some day, because the 
package management system is unaware of what files it has installed.



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