[proposal] Newbie-FAQ or Everything You Always Wanted To AskAbout Ubuntu But Were Afraid To Ask
Buffalo Soldier
ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Thu Dec 23 19:46:16 UTC 2004
I know this newbie FAQ is going to be a lot of hardwork. And I don't
want to be too "pushy" but here is what I think what can be included in
the FAQ:
1. Getting a Ubuntu CD
a. Downloading & Burning ("What is an ISO image file?")
b. Ordering from Canonical
2. Pre-installation Preparations - Things You Can Do / Read About While
Waiting for Download to Finish
a. What is Dual Boot? Should I Dual Boot?
b. Backing-up Data
c. Identifying Your Hardware (taking notes on type of mouse, monitor
resolution, IP address and etc)
d. Defragmenting
e. What is A Partition (Basic)?
f. Resizing Partition
g. What is Boot Order & How To Change Boot Order? (booting from CD)
3. Installing Ubuntu
a. Types of installation
b. Revisiting Partition (a bit more in-depth compared than the
previous FAQ on partition)
c. GRUB, MBR, Dual Boot and etc.
d. IP address, Gateway, DNS and etc.
e. What is Root? Setting up user & password
f. Updating from the internet
4. First time booting into Ubuntu
a. Familiarising with GNOME
I. Where is my Control Panel, My Computer and etc?
II. Controlling Menus and "Taskbar"
III. Theme
b. Software Installation
I. Apt-get & Synaptic
II. How to Handle Other Files (.bin or .gz)
c. Configuring Applications
I. Evolution - How to import inbox / how to setup POP
II. OpenOffice.org - How to open, save or convert MS Office files
III. GAIM - Setting up for MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger and etc.
d. Where's My "C:/Program Files?" / Intro to Linux filesystem
e. Who Is Sudo?
f. Loging out / Shutting down
5. For those newbies who wants to learn more
a. Mounting
I. What is mounting?
II. How to mount NTFS drive, cd-drive, floppy?
b. Permission
I. What is permission?
II. How to change permission?
c. Safe Computing
I. What approriate permission to give
II. Danger of doing things in Root
d. Intro to Command Line Interface
I. For those who are familliar with DOS Prompt (Linux equivalent for
DIR, copy, delete and etc)
II. Basic commands for the newbies
6. Looking for help
a. List of Website, Forums, IRC channels, local Ubuntu Linux User
b. Forum & Chatting ethics
c. How to take Screenshot
d. List of Frequently use Terms & Phrases (Daemon, Module, Config
File, Eth0, Runlevel
7. Hardware / Driver
Links to Hardware Compatibility List website
I was reading the post by Lehofer, Meinhard. Thats where I get the
idea for this newbie FAQ "content list". I hope I'm not asking too much
or burdening Wander Boessenkool or whoever is gonna do this.
Anyway, it's just my personal opinion on what the FAQ should have or
cover. Maybe I left out something... or maybe I listed too much.
Buffalo Soldier
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