DVD playback problem (Warty) (fixed, sort of...)

Matthew PROUSE matthew at doorsproject.net
Thu Dec 23 13:15:10 UTC 2004

On Wed, 2004-12-22 at 16:31 +0000, paul marwick wrote:
> Doing an 'umount /cdrom' from a terminal partially solves the problem.
> If that is done before any attempt is made to play the DVD, Xine will
> then play it and produce video. Totem still doesn't work for me - if I 
> attempt to use it, it seems to trigger remounting the disk, and I end
> up with no video output, and have to restart X before I can get it from 
> Xine.

An easier way to play your DVD movies using totem is to use the
following command to load the movie only.

	totem dvd://

You can configure this and make this permanent via Computer > Desktop
Preferences > Removable Storage > DVD

I hope this helps.

Matthew PROUSE <matthew at doorsproject.net>
The Doors Project

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