Ubuntu & the underdeveloped world

jakeslife ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Thu Dec 16 22:39:59 UTC 2004

I hate repeating myself, but to be sure I'm asking the right questions,
are we talking about the relationship between OSS and ideology (because
that is apparent) or between government and ideology (because that opens
up a whole big can of worms I don't think this forum is ready for)?

I understand how OSS and ideology fits together...OSS has a strong
foundation in the GNU/OSS ideology, and without that shared idea, linux
(and much else) as we know it would not exist today.

The reason I'm asking *specific* questions is because I believe you are
using generalizations. Yes, you can somewhat discern a people by their
government, but you cannot pinpoint it exactly. "I know that the
fascists and bigots using UbuntuLinux also, will reveal themselves
around about now, but God knows this is a critical situation." This can
mean many things. Am I fascist or a bigot because I am an American
citizen, or because of who I voted for, or because of who I work for
and what I do? It's obvious that this is more of a political situation
for you, and it appears to be somewhat religious in nature. I'm not
trying to start anything because of that, because I don't believe those
issues belong on a forum of this nature, but you need to clarify when
speaking about some things. 

Case in point (and this is not to start any offshoots of this
topic--it's said and then it's done): We've all (assumingly) seen the
atrocities being done to people in Iraq, on both sides. Do I believe
that all people from the middle east are savage, neanderthal, jihad
crazed people hacking people's heads off? NO! Do all non-americans
think that all americans would do some things that our troops have done
over there? NO! I know that people cannot be defined by their
government, or by the actions of small groups. 

This is why I was asking (not only because the ideology of a government
has no place being on a Support Forum--possibly the Community Chat but
that's not my decision), because you were speaking generally in my


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