Kingston 256MB USB Flashdrive
troy banther
troy at
Fri Dec 10 22:15:03 UTC 2004
I am brand new to the list as of today.
I installed Ubuntu onto a spare unit in my lab.
The internal Zip drive and Kingston 256MB USB Flashdrives will not
Out of frustraition, I created directories in the /media directory and
altered the fstab file but still no joy.
Any suggestions?
Troy W. Banther, B.S.(2) \ "First they ignore you,
Portales, New Mexico, USA \ then they ridicule you,
troy at \ then they fight you, \ then you win" - Mohandas
adepto linux animadverto libertas \ K. Gandhi (1869-1948).
Redmond XPloder free since October 2003 and loving every minute of it.
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