UBuntu on older machines ?

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at wanadoo.fr
Fri Dec 10 13:54:51 UTC 2004

> a quick look at their website got this nice shot
> http://www.us.xfce.org/images/screenshots/default2.png

WOW !!! Looks beautiful, I was expecting some very basic thing, but this
has the same kind of look and feel that Gnome has. 
If really it's significantly faster than Gnome, I will definitely try to
install it.

> As for downloading it - i have no idea how big it is - but as gnome is
> already installed, pretty much all the dependancies will be taken car
> of and should only be a small amout for teh actual xfce. Enable the
> universe as i think it is in there and give it a go.

Yes, great, it's all there in Synaptic ! :-) Dozens of packages, don(t
know what to download :-/ I just clicked on 'xfce4' and Synpatc selected
a few more packages by itself, so I guess that's waht I need to
downaload. 10MB it says. That's acceptable, will proceed ... :-)

>  It wil install itself and when you next run gdm you can select xfce from the sessions
> menu instead of gnome.

Sounds simple enough :-)

Thanks !


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