ZIP drive : won't eject the disk !!!

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at
Thu Dec 9 09:30:55 UTC 2004


I just got my ZIP drive working, mounted it in /media/zip and added that
line in etc/fstab: 

/dev/sda       /media/zip       auto    rw,user,noauto,sync  0 0

then I modprob'd  sg and then ppa, then 'mount /media/zip' all was well,
Gnome put a ZIP icon automagically on the desktop.

It's 100MB external drive on parallel port.

The problem is that when I do right click on the disk to umount and
eject it, nothing happens, disk is trapped !

So I tried on the commande line 'umount /dev/sda4' or 'eject /dev/sda4'
but it tells me it count unmunt it because it's busy !

So I double checked that I closed the Nautiluse windows showing the
content of the ZIP disk, but it was closed already, and no other
programs where using it, and the terminal/prompt was not pointed to the
ZIP drive either, it was in  ~/ .

Does anyone experience the same ? What's going on ?

I can obviously get my disk back by power the drive off then on and
press the ejection button, but that's not very elegant is it :-/

I hope there is a solution out there



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