official pdf reader
Dennis Kaarsemaker
dennis at
Wed Dec 8 21:38:32 UTC 2004
On Wed, 2004-12-08 at 19:55 +0100, Eric Feliksik wrote:
> How do the
> ubuntu-developers like this? Is it appreciated, or considered a burden
> because they won't miss the reply in the thread anyway?
Although I do not consider myself a Ubuntu developer, merely an active
reader of this list, I still want to make a point about this.
One can only post to this list if he/she is subscribed to it, so mails
sent to the list will arrive at the sender anyway. So IMHO a CC to the
sender is not neccessary and I myself do not like it, since I will
indeed not miss the message anyway.
For people who read the list via news or forum the CCs could even be
more annoying.
Dennis K.
And that's the way the cookie crumbles!
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