and ppc HFS partition still not working either

enrike enrike at
Tue Dec 7 20:55:38 UTC 2004

hi again

Following instructions on previous emails i have foprmated my HD in 3 
main partitions:
osx HFS not journaled
data HFS not journaled
ubuntu ext3

I can see all from OSX thanks to the ext2 extension for OSX but i cannot 
access the HFS partitions from Ubuntu as far as i can see. I included 
the hfs and hfsplus lines on the /etc/modules file

I guess the partitions should be mounted by default but i am not sure 
about this. Where should i be able to see and browse them in case they 
would be accessible? I have been looking for it and i cannot see it.

Before i was using SuSE with gnome and Nautilus had this tree view that 
was very nice, is it possible to set the same in Ubuntu Gnome?

and the last question:  is it possible to set Nautilus to open all files 
in the same window? I mean everytime i click a folder it opens up in a 
new window (like in old windows95) i dont like this very much.

thanks once again!


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