Ubuntu KDE

clasqm ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Mon Dec 6 13:50:01 UTC 2004

I'll probably get excommunicated for saying this, but ...

>From the end-user's perspective, the difference between Gnome and KDE
is trivial. Yes, trivial, meaningless, nonsensical.

Want to start an app, click on the foot/gear icon to get a menu. Pick
up an icon, drag it to desktop. In all the things users do 99% of the
time, the two are functionally identical. It's not as if we were
talking about ratpoison or oroborus. And if there are some kapps you
can't live without, go on and apt-get them (I'm a Kword user myself

I came to Ubuntu from Xandros, which is relentlessly KDE-centric. It
took me all of 10 minutes to adjust to the new way of doing things.
Maybe one day I'll use a KDE distro again, who knows? But I see no
point in chopping up Ubuntu to make a Kubuntu. If you want to make a
new KDE distro, go ahead, grap the Debian unstable tree and knock
yourself out. But leave Ubuntu out of it. They picked a DE and stuck
with it, which IMHO is the right approach.


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