"wifi-radar" wanted

Mike Bate mikebate_tl at earthlink.net
Mon Dec 6 04:32:23 UTC 2004

Martin Reiche wrote:

> i did find a version of wifiradar but dont know how new it is:
> http://blog.odonnell.nu/
> third entry of the blog.

Thanks Martin, got it. I also just heard back from the author, who put 
the web site back up ("Dang it, I forgot, sorry" he said...)

WifiRadar is good - simple, and works.

> it also seems to be modified. but if you are interessted in a scanner. i 
> found apradar a few days ago. not as compfortable as wifiradar seems to 
> be but it is still in development :-) and maybe it works better for you 
> than for me, because i only aliened the rpm:
> http://apradar.sourceforge.net/

I had tried apradar too (aliened the rpm and also built from source) 
but it doesn't work correctly on my system. Looks interesting tho, 
I'll keep an eye open for the next release, guess I oughta write up a 
bug report for the author too.

I thought I read that Ubuntu will have a similar wifi manager soon, 
but now can't find the posting about that.


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