Partitioning tool ?

Romeyn Prescott prescor at
Sun Dec 5 16:00:19 UTC 2004

At 3:34 PM +0100 12/5/04, Vincent Trouilliez scribbled:
>>  If you're working on a PC, keep a knoppix CD handy.  It has gparted
>>  on it.  Boot from it whenever you have partitioning to do.
>>  (That's what I do, anyway...)
>>  ...ROMeyn
>Thanks :o) But isn't 'K'noppix for KDE ? Isn't there a 'G'noppix thing ?
>That would make more sense to run GParted on a Gnome distro...
>I will try and download Gnoppix ISO :o)

No no no...Knoppix is a CD-based distro.  It runs FROM the CD.  I 
think they call it a "Live CD".  You boot from it, do whatever it is 
you want to do, then go on your merry way.  I keep knoppix around as 
a Utility CD for dealing with systems that don't seem to want to boot 
on their own anymore for some reason.  (That reason is usually that I 
did something I shouldn't have and completely screwed it up...but 
we're not going to discuss that!)  ;-)


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