Ubuntu KDE

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at wanadoo.fr
Sun Dec 5 15:02:35 UTC 2004

I don't understand people who want KDE in Ubuntu. 
The only, huge big reason why I left Mandrake for Ubuntu, is because I
saw Ubuntu as a Heaven for me, Gnome lover. Ubuntu provides:

1) an UNTOUCHED Gnome, in 10 seconds you can get it to look exactly like
what you see on Gnome.org screenshots

2) you get the latest version of Gnome

3) you get lightweigth, neat, Gnome ONLY distro with not a bit of KDE
'cr*p' that you don't want. It's Gnome and only Gnome, it's CLEAN,
inside out.

4) Since you only have Gnome, people at Ubuntu can concentrate on it
hence improve the product better and quicker, and offer focused,
efficient support.

KDE is everywere, if you love it, just pick Mandrake or whatever, they
are just mad for KDE, but please leave Ubuntu alone, don't mutilate it
with KDE.

If ever Ubuntu incorporates KDE, I would feel truly betrayed so to
That said, if just to be open minded as a matter of principle, I DO
accept that maybe some people see sense in making a KDE Ubuntu. So I
will just live with that horrible thought. 
If we do end up with a KDE Ubuntu, then I hope that:

1) There will be two perfectly DISTINCT CD's. 
2) There will not be a SINGLE KDE related byte, script, library,
program, whatever, in the Gnome version
3) It will not slow down developpment effort on the Gnome version
4) It will not decrease the quality of support to people using the Gnome
5) That Ubuntu developpers don't tend to work more or better for KDE
than Gnome
6) ... and other things I probably can't think of right now, but will
post next time such a terrifying subject comes up again ! :-/

Vince, scared to death...

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