Menus are gone

Ed Fletcher ed at
Sat Dec 4 04:55:26 UTC 2004

Here's an odd thing.  I used my computer this morning and everything was 
fine.  I left it on all day (I always do, I just turn off the monitor) 
and when I got home, the menus were gone.  So are the shortcuts for 
Firefox, Thunderbird and all the rest.  The only things left on the bar 
are the printer and sound icons plus the date and time.  These are on 
the far right hand side.  Everything else is blank.

It will probably come back if I log out and log back in again, but I 
thought I'd leave it like this if anyone wants some info from my system 
while it's like this.

Hmmm . . right click on the bar has no effect except on printer icon and 
the stuff with it.

I'm running Warty on an Athlon 2600XP with the 386 kernel,  I've 
installed the 686 kernel a few days ago but I haven't rebooted yet.

Ed Fletcher
ed at

What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless,
whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism
or the holy name of liberty or democracy?  -  Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)

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