
Hyrcan hyrcan at hyrcan.com
Fri Dec 3 17:37:39 UTC 2004

I believe Simon was looking for something more like SGI Irix (3dwm) than 
a 3d Gui like 3dwm.org and Sun's Looking Glass...

3DWM is a very minimalistic looking Gui, and thus doesn't need much in 
the way of system resources. Handy for those who don't want to or can't 
waist the horsepower... Which is why, although I love how Ubuntu has 
gnome setup, I don't run it on my p3 933mhz/256MB box...and I especially 
avoid Evolution. (and I though Nautilus was a memory hog)

Found this screen shot of SGI's 3DWM:

If this is the case then I would recommend checking out the following:

First is FLWM (Fast Light Window Manager)
It'd developed with 3dwm/4dwm compatibility in mind.

Screenshot: http://flwm.sourceforge.net/screenshot.jpg
HomePage: http://flwm.sourceforge.net/

Second is of course FVWM (ver. 2.4 or higher)
This can become anything you want...and is unthinkable customizable. 
But you do loose some of the automation found in gnome & kde ...such as 
nice configuration utilities and tool bars you can drag and arrange 
icons on... unless of course you write your own into the FVWM scripts ;)

This of course means it can be a challenge for some to setup...needing 
to edit text config files to make changes, then restarting the session 
(just the WM) to see the change...but one you get it set like you like 
then you won't need to mess about.

Screenshot: err...it can look like anything so here's a bunch to look 
at: http://fvwm.org/screenshots/desktops/
Homepage: http://fvwm.org

I personally have returned to FVWM after wondering the GUI landscape... 
my desktop is running the Crystal scripts found here: 
and looks a lot like this
screenshot: http://fvwm-crystal.berlios.de/img/desktop-layout-1.0.jpg

Third would be either the OroboROX or GNUstep
OroboROX: http://rox.sf.net
GNUstep: http://www.gnustep.org


Nitebirdz wrote:
> Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2004 09:58:08 -0600
> From: Nitebirdz <nitebirdz at sacredchaos.com>
> Subject: Re: 4Dwm
> To: ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
> Message-ID: <20041203155808.GA12244 at sacredchaos.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> On Sun, Nov 28, 2004 at 08:40:21PM +0000, Simon Burke wrote:
>>> ok, common knowledge that i have a SGI machine, im just curious if it
>>> is possible to get a 4dwm look on linux, i've found a icewm theme,
>>> that is kind of similar, but if anyone knows of a port or even how i
>>> could try and get it ported?
> You may be interested in 3dwm.  As you can imagine, 4dwm is SGI's
> intellectual property, and they have not ported it to Linux.  I include
> a link to the project's main page below, as well as a link to
> information on what appear to be the packages for Debian (not positive
> about that though, although the name is the same).
> http://www.3dwm.org/
> http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~elm/projects/3dwm/
> http://packages.debian.org/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=3dwm&searchon=names&subword=1&version=stable&release=all
> ----------------
> Nitebirdz
> http://www.sacredchaos.com/

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