Nuke my Gentoo, Fedora for Ubuntu?
Andreas Geske
ageske at
Fri Dec 3 01:05:48 UTC 2004
Hi List!
I'm still searching for my top Linux distro but still didn't find it.
Tried SuSE, Gentoo, Fedora, Mandrake in different releases, but none of
them fit my needs. Mandrake is a joke, SuSE and Fedora are sooooooo slow
, and Gentoo, ... well ... nice piece of work, but still too much time
consuming (compiling) and you need lots of knowledge to keep you system
up and running.
Some time ago I read about Ubuntu Linux a heard lots of good things
about it. But before I try it I have a few questions, maybe some of you
are so kind to give me answers.
- How fast is Ubuntu compared to SuSE or Fedora. Mentioned distros are
extremely slow on my PC (Athlon XP 1800+, 256 MB RAM). I know it's hard
to measure, but maybe you can give me your personal "feeling" about the
speed of Ubuntu Linux
- I'm one of these "bleeding edge guys". I want to have major version of
software (e.g. Firefox 1.0) ASAP, that means 2 weeks after release.
Ubuntu is based on Debian, which is not known as a "speed wonder".
- I don't like to search for third party packages throughout the whole
web. Does Ubuntu Linux provide a reasonable software repository without
having to edit yum.conf or other files where to pick up my packages.
Maybe there's a list of packages supported out of the box.
- Even Ubuntu Linux is Gnome based distro there are two KDE apps I won't
miss: K3B and Krename. Are these apps available? (Note: I don't need a
fully featured KDE desktop, just these 2 apps)
- Can I use Ubuntu Linux as a server? Not for production use, just for
private testing purposes. In other words: Does Ubuntu Linux provide
packages for latest versions of: MySQL, PostgreSQL, qmail+additional
packages, Python, Perl+additional packages, PHP, apache2?
- Due to Ubuntu being a Debian based distro, I assume the package format
is DEB. Is there a graphical tool for installing software, like
synaptic? (or even better)
- Does Ubuntu Linux provide goodies like
- automatic hardware detection
- autmounting CD-ROMs, digicams etc. (I love it to plug in my
digicam and use it *without* having to mount it manually)
- graphical configuration of the most important system settings
like network, X11, printer, mount points, boot options etc.
Every answer is highly appreciated. Even a simple "yes" or "no" are
valid responses for me :-)
Thank you in advance!
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