Multiple pages per sheet printing in OpenOffice?

Neil Woolford neil at
Thu Dec 2 16:37:59 UTC 2004

At 15:52 02/12/04, you wrote:

>This is perhaps something that may be better addressed upstream in
>OpenOffice itself, but I was wondering if there is a workaround.
>To save paper (and perhaps more importantly, expensive printing ink ;-),
>I prefer to print internal use documents as 2 pages to a sheet (or even
>4 pages to a sheet if I can get away with it).
>OpenOffice doesn't seem to have the capability to do this by itself,
>whereas KDE's KPrinter does (and very handy it is, too).

OpenOffice does do it, but it is quite well hidden in the print preview 

Searching the OpenOffice help file with the term 'multiple pages' leads to 
a help
page on 'Printing multiple pages on one sheet'.

The instructions are a little obscure but basically one of the buttons on 
the 'Print preview'
window opens a dialogue of 'Print options' where you can set the number of 
rows and
columns for the 'Distribution'.  After setting that, use the 'Print the 
page preview' button
to get the printout, at the multiple per sheet you set.

The interface isn't very intuitive;  I found it by accident and spent quite 
a while trying to
find what I'd done so that I could go back to normal printing.  (The 
setting doesn't affect
the normal 'Print' command, it appears to be meant for proof copies and the 
kind of
internal use you have in mind.)

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