Wireless Network Applet

Patrick Wagstrom wagspat at iit.edu
Wed Dec 1 23:10:52 UTC 2004

Howdy Folks,

So I've got a need to switch wireless networks quite a bit between
different locations, some use encryption, some don't, some have DHCP,
some don't, you know the drill.  Anyway, I was jealous because other
distros have NetworkManager or NetApplet and they both seem to be a pain
to install under Warty, so keeping with the Ubuntu mad-python-love, I
whipped up my own system.  It's by no means perfect, but it works well
enough for me.  I figured I'd share it with some other folks in hopes
that they might find it useful too.  It still is a hacker toy, but with
a little sweet love, we might just make the world (and the applet) a
better place.

Anyway, if anyone is looking for a nifty little hack to try out on their
Ubuntu install, might I pimp my own software and recommend pywifiapplet.
You can find it at



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