Where's FireFox 1.0?

Romeyn Prescott prescor at digirom.potsdam.edu
Wed Dec 1 18:58:52 UTC 2004

At 7:25 PM +0100 12/1/04, Oliver Grawert scribbled:
>Content-Type: multipart/signed; micalg=sha1;
>	protocol="application/x-pkcs7-signature";
>	boundary="=-0XsBPNn8MhOyqP+ev+rj"
>Am Mittwoch, den 01.12.2004, 13:14 -0500 schrieb brlmedia:
>>  ps- or is it safe to stick with the firefox that's installed for the
>>  time being?
>why shouldnt it be safe to stick with well tested and supported
>software ?
>in fact the only user noticeable extra thing you get with firefox 1.0 is
>a really neat search dialog and some ui polish.

Unfortunately, in the eyes of the "average" user, "not the latest" 
equates with "I'm missing out on something, even if I don't know what 
it is.  But I should have it anyway just because I can."  Do NOT 
misread me...in a world of IT snobs and bigots, I am a STAUNCH 
supporter of the "average user!"  But it's folly to tell people that 
old-n-busted 1.0 is still just fine when the gleaming, steaming new 
hotness of 2.0 is on all the billboards and TV commercials.  (So to 
speak.)  Speaking as an American (but not FOR any Americans but 
myself), I'll observe that we are, by and large, just Madison Avenue 
whores who, after 50+ years of television and, more recently, banners 
and pop-ups in our faces, want it all and want it all NOW.  (I'm not 
bragging, I'm COMPLAINING.)

You can tell people that the new SUV they want will flip over on 
corners if you go more than 15 miles an hour.  Clearly it's in their 
own best interest NOT to get one and stick with what's "stable."  But 
they'll want it just because it looks cool.  Moreover, they'll tell 
you it's they're RIGHT.  Nevermind that they could die.  (Or, in the 
case of OpenSource Linux Distributions, that they DIDN'T PAY ANY 
MONEY FOR IT!)  That may just be the American way, but I think it 
also smacks a tad of Human Nature.

signat-url: http://www2.potsdam.edu/prescor/signat-url.htm

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