[ubuntu-us] Ubuntu US cluster

Paul Bartell paul.bartell at gmail.com
Fri May 15 05:31:55 BST 2009

I think there are plenty of people from the community willing to host
sites. It shouldn't be canonical's headache. Considering what happened
to the old US loco server, i dont think we need more bad publicity
from it.

On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 9:29 PM, Martin Owens <doctormo at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Nick,
>>  - since most LoCos use drupal, we could be set up (hopefully) one big
>> drupal install and map the subdomains to use "sites" under it. Give
>> each LoCo their own theme. There should also be some sort of access
>> control. Can't trust the Florida team with the Georgia team's site :-P
> We don't use Druple, we use Django 1.0.1, and although we're currently
> at MIT Media Lab I'd just like everyone to bare in mind that not
> everyone is php druple and some of us prefer not to use php instead of
> python.
> Although you'll probably be able to square that in a number of ways.
>>  - If part of the reason we want to move away from Canonical is their
>> slow responsiveness, we need to find some sysadmins who we can trust
>> to be around and accessible at least during US times. There are a lot
>> of people who are active for 2 or 3 months and then disappear. We
>> can't have that.
> People with access rights would have to be ubuntu members, offical
> contacts or at least a member of the us-loco sys-admin team on launchpad
> (hint hint)
>>  - Does one person from each LoCo get access to the servers? Or a
>> small team that is responsible for maintaining it? Everything needs to
>> be locked down with ssh keys and strong passwords.
> Yes, one person from each loco that shares in the cost and management
> needs access. Those who don't take advantage of it obviously have no
> business having access.
>>  - Who can make requests? Team contacts or anyone from the LoCos?
> Have designated web-admins per LoCo, could be the same person as the
> contact, maybe not. I don't want to have to deal with the website as
> well as everything else.
> Best Regards, Martin Owens
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