[ubuntu-us] Ubuntu US cluster

Martin Owens doctormo at gmail.com
Fri May 15 05:29:35 BST 2009

Hi Nick,

>  - since most LoCos use drupal, we could be set up (hopefully) one big
> drupal install and map the subdomains to use "sites" under it. Give
> each LoCo their own theme. There should also be some sort of access
> control. Can't trust the Florida team with the Georgia team's site :-P

We don't use Druple, we use Django 1.0.1, and although we're currently
at MIT Media Lab I'd just like everyone to bare in mind that not
everyone is php druple and some of us prefer not to use php instead of

Although you'll probably be able to square that in a number of ways.

>  - If part of the reason we want to move away from Canonical is their
> slow responsiveness, we need to find some sysadmins who we can trust
> to be around and accessible at least during US times. There are a lot
> of people who are active for 2 or 3 months and then disappear. We
> can't have that.

People with access rights would have to be ubuntu members, offical
contacts or at least a member of the us-loco sys-admin team on launchpad
(hint hint)

>  - Does one person from each LoCo get access to the servers? Or a
> small team that is responsible for maintaining it? Everything needs to
> be locked down with ssh keys and strong passwords.

Yes, one person from each loco that shares in the cost and management
needs access. Those who don't take advantage of it obviously have no
business having access.

>  - Who can make requests? Team contacts or anyone from the LoCos?

Have designated web-admins per LoCo, could be the same person as the
contact, maybe not. I don't want to have to deal with the website as
well as everything else.

Best Regards, Martin Owens

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