[ubuntu-us] Mentorship request for new US LoCo Team - Idaho
Charles Profitt
indigo196 at rochester.rr.com
Mon May 4 02:36:29 BST 2009
What state are you from?
I can not be a mentor - as my state has not been approved, but I am more
than willing to offer you any advice. Here are a few nuggets:
1) Make use of the 76er program from system 76. The fliers they print
can be stunning and give a professional look to your event advertising.
2) Try to work with as many LUGs as there are in your state.
3) If your state has any BarCamps try attending them and making your
LoCo known to them
4) See if any of the cities / towns in your state have a 'tech'
magazine that is willing to advertise your group and its events
5) In your area try to find a nice place (free is great) that will work
for meetings, events, etc. I have used Libraries, Colleges and Barnes
and Noble stores for mine.
6) Get your wiki page setup so you can advertise your events in the
Ubuntu on-line sphere
7) Become active in the LoCo Team Forums area for you state. If it does
not have a moderator talk to the forums staff about that.
Best of luck.
On Sun, 2009-05-03 at 19:19 -0600, rihanha wrote:
> Hello. My name is Sheri Elgin (rihanha), and I am writing to the US
> LoCo
> Teams list to request a mentor for our LoCo as we get our team off the
> ground. We've done our best to find and follow the various suggestions
> and rules as we get started, but we've already found a few things we
> missed along the way.
> I think a mentor would help us to avoid future mistakes and pitfalls.
> Is
> there a process we need to follow, or is this request enough to get
> the
> 'mentor request' started?
> Thank you in advance for pointing us in the right direction.
> Cheers,
> Sheri
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