[Ubuntu-US] Meeting of US Teams Project Rescheduled

Joe Terranova joeterranova at gmail.com
Tue Sep 25 21:40:00 BST 2007

I've looked at the time, and at 9pm on october 4th I'll be driving
home from Newark, NJ and unable to attend. I don't want to force any
more rescheduling (in the unlikely event people considered my opinion
important enough to do so :) ; where would I put points I'd like
addressed? The meeting agenda seems to only outline points an
attendant will make; though I won't be able to retort, I'd like to
explain my stance on the issues and issues I'd like to be addressed at
the meeting.

Joe Terranova

On 9/23/07, John Crawford <johnc4510 at cox.net> wrote:
> Due to poor attendance of the September 22rd meeting we have rescheduled
> it for October 4, 2007 at 21:00 EDT in #ubuntu-us. The meeting agenda
> can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USTeams/MeetingAgenda Please
> mark your calendars accordingly and plan to attend. Make your plans now
> to attend and have your voice heard.
> --
> ____________________________________________________________________
> 【John Crawford           ★       johnc4510-cox at ubuntu.com       ★】
> 【Arizona Team Leader     ★       GnuPG ID: 0x59CC2A69           ★】
> 【US Teams Project-Mentor ★       http://johnc4510.wordpress.com ★】
> 【Ubuntu Marketing-UWN    ★       I ❤  Ubuntu and Open Source    ★】
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